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Mother Glad First For Flier's Safety

May 22, 1927

Detroit, May 21 -- "I am grateful. There is no use attempting to find words to express my happiness," were the first words of Mrs. Evangeline Lodge Lindbergh, mother of the intrepid flier, as she received word that her famous son had safely landed his plane at Le Bourget Field, France.

The mother awaited the word of here son s victory or death in a modes home at 178 Ashland Avenue. It is a frame dwelling far back from the street. Through the back yard runs Fox Creek, up which motor boats constantly sped while the mother awaited the word which she has been hoping for since early Friday morning.

"Somehow, I felt all through that he would win. I was as confident as any mother could have been under the circumstances; and there were times when the difficulties which I knew he was facing depressed me. I am happy that it is over, more happy than I can ever tell. He has accomplished the greatest undertaking of his life, and I am proud to be the mother of such a boy," Mrs. Lindbergh continued.

Mrs. Lindbergh has been more composed than most Detroiters during the time her son was preparing for the flight. But when the news was flashed across the Atlantic Saturday of his victory and she was called upon to discuss his feat, tears appeared in her eyes. She did not cry, but as she talked with this reporter under the cherry tree in her front yard tears were distinctly visible.

What is there for me to say other than that I am happy, was her comment. She was standing beneath the trees, which are banked by a bed of vari-colored tulips in the front lawn, when word came that Captain Lindbergh had won in the great race across the sea. She wore a green dress and green hat as she chatted with newspaper men. She smiled throughout the interview; the same smile which she wore throughout Friday as she went about her household duties.

All through these hours that I have been awaiting word from my boy every one has been very kind to me. The boys and girls in my class have been particularly kind. They were naturally interested in the flight, but out of regard for my feelings were very careful not to discuss it in my presence. It is all too wonderful. I do not know how I could be more happy than I am today, she said.

Mrs. Lindbergh, who teaches chemistry at the Cass Technical High School, conducted her classes as usual yesterday.

It was far better that I should spend time in the classroom This occupied my mind and did not give me the opportunity to think so much about Charles, she declared.

There was considerable commotion outside the home throughout this afternoon. With the punctuality which marks her school work the mother went about the task of greeting newspapermen. Policemen at the front and rear gates kept visitors out and refused to admit newspaper men except when Mrs. Lindbergh approved. Her brother, C.H. Land, with whom she makes her home, was her only companion throughout the day. The telephone receiver was left off the hook so, that she avoided annoyance from that source.

As premature reports came in of the success of the flight, telegraph messengers began to arrive with congratulatory messages from various parts of the country. When the definite announcement was made that Lindbergh had landed there was a constant stream of messengers. Late in the afternoon the first flowers reached Mrs. Lindbergh, and as the evening approached florists trucks were constantly stopping before the home.

The son apparently obtains his desire for scientific knowledge from his mother. She is much interested in all sciences excepting the mechanical . To the latter Captain Lindbergh leaned as a boy.

He was always interested in motors and things like that and devoted a great deal of time to the study of pistols and revolvers. Mrs. Lindbergh said, Of course. I know nothing about such things and therefore could not keep close check upon his studies.

He has been flying now for six years, starting as a pilot when 19 years old. I have been much interested in his career and have closely followed it.

When Mrs. Lindbergh arose this morning her last report of her son had been that a hip had sighted him 700 miles from the Newfoundland coast.

Have you heard anything? she asked eagerly.

When she was told he had been sighted over the green hills of Ireland, the strain she had been under while she knew he was over open water seemed relieved.

During the morning curious parsons began sauntering by Mrs. Lindbergh s home. As more people began coming they did not walk up, but frankly stood and stared.

Detroit is going to do something handsome for Captain Lindbergh when he gets back home, if plans begun immediately after he landed in Paris are carried out.

At 11 o clock Monday morning, there will be a meeting in the City Hall, presided over by John C. Lodge, President of the Common Council. Acting Mayor and grand uncle of the transatlantic flier. Also present will be Representatives Robert J. Clancy and Clarence J. McLeod, former Representative John B. Sosnowski, Postmaster Charles C. Kellogg and others to plan a welcome.

Mr. Clancy said that Detroit would not take second place to St. Louis or any other town in paying tribute to the fearless young flier who was born here.

It was another Armistice Day here.

When news came that Lindbergh had landed safely at Paris after an epochal flight from New York, the city cut loose in noisy celebration.

The men of Detroit who got the greatest thrill out of Lindbergh s venture were the airmen, and groups of them celebrated joyously.

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